My theme this time is about legacies – not the ones involving being on the receiving end of lovely cash, but something much more valuabel and worthwhile. I am talking about those gifts that we leave behind after we are gone. The best way of putting it is How will we...


Top Tips for keeping the front of your property in great shape and to attract positivity into your life Front doors should be used as much as possible, e.g. avoid entering the house through the garage door for example. Using the front door encourages a greater flow of...

Making the Most of the New Year Energies

            Imbolc is traditionally a time of planting seeds.  As the sap begins to rise beneath your feet and the Earth awakens after its long winter sleep NOW is the time to plant your heart seeds for the year ahead.  What do you INTEND for the year ahead –...

Getting a Fresh Perspective on Life by Susan Leigh

How come some people always seem to be upbeat, nothing fazes them. What is it that they’re doing differently? What is the best way to have a great day? – Consider your perspective on life. Two people can share an experience but have very different opinions...

Bring on the Summer

Bring on the Summer –  so far my main adventure this year has been with my daughter in a group of five of us, to do the Moon Walk on 10th May in London when we (15,000 people) walked 14 miles from midnight to 5.00am – WOW. Still suffering! It is good to try to...