The Precious Present

Taken from ‘Under the Ombu Tree’    by Santa Montefiore  This is a true story about a little boy who lived with his grandparents.  His grandpa was a serene and spiritual man who told him wonderful stories.  One of the stories he told his grandson was about the...


My Seven Secrets to find Happiness By Gyles Brandreth Compiled by Gyles and Dr Anthony Clare – the ultimate guide collection of principles and concepts – they are simple and all you need! 1.     Cultivate a Passion – To be happy you must have something that you...

Car Feng Shui-ing

I thought you would all be fascinated to hear of a new Feng Shui adventure that I was asked to carry out – to Feng Shui a car!  Over to my client ‘I purchased my car and waited five months for it to be specked and shipped in from Germany that was a decade ago....

Swing into Spring!

<A lovely friend of mine, connected through Feng Shui, gave me an inspiring gift for Christmas, a desk calendar with a beautiful picture and inspiring sentence for every single day of the year. When I turned to the beginning of March it said ‘ This month I...

Trying Something New – Hypnotherapy

My name is Elizabeth Wells and I am a consultant of Feng Shui – finding solutions that attract success, health wealth and happiness into your life.  However, on this occasion, I was hoping that Sally, with her renowned hypnotherapy, would find the solution that I...