You & Your Feng Shui Consultancy

Are you starting out in feng shui or perhaps you have been studying for a number of years but have no idea how to carry out a consultation, run your own business and are fearful of the very thought?   I have designed this course with you in mind!  I will guide you, step by step on how to prepare, make the start, continue through and leave a Feng Shui client with an outstanding consultation.

I am an:

*International accredited practitioner of the Feng Shui Society

*Advanced practitioner of the Feng Shui Academy

I have passionately practised feng shui in homes and businesses across the United Kingdom, France and USA for over 20 years.  I regularly provide support and education to local and national groups as well as promoting the philosophy of Feng Shui in the media.   I was recently elected a committee member and officer for the Feng Shui Society, upholding the ethics and best practice of Feng Shui.  I will share with you the benefit of my experience of having a successful Feng Shui business, with all the practical templates included!


Case-based discussion scenarios and practical templates provided.

  1. Business preparation prior to talking to clients
    • Life evaluation sheets
    • How to scale floor plans
    • Consultations available and their costing
    • Layout for report
  1. Talking to clients
    • Recording client contact and other details
    • Action plans for client and practitioner
  1. Prior to the Consultation
    • How to pre prepare to ensure a smooth and stand out consultation
  1. The consultation
    • How to carry out the consultation – start, middle and ending
    • How to collect and collate client information
    • Working to timings
  1. Post Consultation
    • Meeting client expectations
    • The art of leaving clients with best impressions
  1. A Guide to Best Practice in Record Keeping
    • What should be recorded
    • How to record information
    • Why it is essential for good record keeping and the place of General Protection Data Regulation (GPDR) within this section.


Online Course via Zoom:

Course consists of 2 sessions, each session lasts 2 hours.

Maximum of 2 people per session. If one person is joining, the cost is £220. If two people are joining, the cost is £170 each.

Times and dates are flexible to suit. Please contact me using the form below and I will contact you to arrange a suitable time.


“In August 2020 I attended an online class “ Starting your own Feng Shui business “ with Liz Wells. This course was informative, structured and she shared best practice ideas which she has personally developed and used   over the past 20 years.The tips that she gave from the first point of contact through to the written report were highly organised and professional.

If you are wanting to start your own Feng Shui Consultancy but don’t know where to begin then invest your time and learn from Liz’s own life experience. Thank you once again.”

Jill, Bath

‘I am in awe. No other teacher has shown me all these practical tools and been so generous with their knowledge, the knowledge that actually gets us out there practicing and as professional consultants. Thank you Liz, your ethics and standards in Feng Shui are deeply appreciated’. 

Anusha A, Essex

It takes hard work and dedication to qualify as a feng shui consultant, learning from so many teachers and even crossing borders to try to find that gem not found in the books. Then it suddenly dawns on you that you know very little about the practical side of applying all that accumulated knowledge. Liz was the only teacher who guided me through the practical aspects of becoming a professional consultant and ensuring that I raise the bar. Liz thrives in sharing her knowledge and for me, this is indicative of a true teacher, who feels rewarded when they pass on their wisdom and want their students to bloom’. 

Victoria M, London

I would like to recommend Liz’s course to anyone who like me is starting off as a Feng Shui consultant. Liz is a very experienced Feng Shui consultant and she is very generous with sharing her knowledge and experience. I’m very thankful to Liz, she is a wonderful teacher, very clear and easy to follow. I had  a fantastic course and I’m looking forward to study more with her in the future.’

Paula Nielsen, Malmö – Sweden

To find out more about my Feng Shui Consultancy Course, fill in the form below:

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